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Credit Available - See Credits tab below.
Total Credits: 2 including 2 Type 1 CEUs
One of the best ways to avoid claim denials is to document defensibly and prove that your treatment was undeniably a medical necessity. Dr. Mario Fucinari will define medical necessity in any clinical case and clarify the components of documentation and billing required. You will learn how to incorporate the latest developments into your practice without giving up your chiropractic roots.
For CEU information, click on the “CREDITS” to the right. Spring Convention CEUs approved for Virginia, Maryland, Noth Carolina, and Washington, DC.
Total Possible Credit is 2 Type 1 CEUs
Proving Medical Necessity in Any Type of Case (1.7 MB) | 144 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Dr. Mario Fucinari led a highly successful practice in Decatur, Illinois, for 35 years. He graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic Davenport in 1986. Dr. Fucinari is a Carrier Advisory Committee for Medicare member, a Certified Professional Compliance Officer (CPCO), a Certified Physician Practice Manager, and a Certified Insurance Consultant. He is an author of several books on compliance, HIPAA, ICD-10 coding, and E/M Guidelines. He has been presenting Continuing Education Classes for over twenty-seven years and is a nationwide speaker for several organizations.