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Dr Steven Weiniger, DC, DIANM

Posture Expert | Author | Speaker | Clinician

Internationally renowned posture expert, Dr. Steven Weiniger, DC, CPEP, FIANM, author of Stand Taller Live Longer and 7 Steps to StrongPosture self-help online course has trained thousands of doctors, therapists, trainers, and other health and wellness professionals to first rehab injuries and then help their patients and clients keep moving well as they age with StrongPosture® exercise protocols.

Dr. Weiniger literally wrote the book on improving posture

Stand Taller Live Longer: An Anti-Aging Strategy, used by doctors of various medical backgrounds, chiropractors, physical therapists, physiotherapists, rehab centers, nursing homes, trainers, and phys ed and college athletic departments worldwide.  He is the author of the postural assessment chapter in the textbook Photographic Manual of Regional Orthopedic and Neurological Tests as well as the book Posture Pictures: Posture Assessment, Screenings, Marketing and Forms. He also wrote the 5 Posture Principles.

His expertise on posture, health, anti-aging, exercise, and practice management have been featured extensively in the national media, including industry journals, FOX News, NBC News, ABC News, Oprah’s Oxygen network, Scripps Howard News, Natural Health Magazine, “Health on the Hill,” the publication for the House Committee on Health Care, Prevention Magazine, Bottom Line Health, Golf Digest, Upscale Magazine, Best Self, Bottom Line Personal, Real Simple Magazine and SHAPE Magazine. Find most recent press here.

Internationally renowned posture expert

Dr. Weiniger was appointed delegate to the White House Conference on Aging, the decennial event held by the President of the United States and Congress to develop recommendations on issues, policy and research in the field of aging. He later presented his findings at NCLC held in Washington, DC.

Dr. Weiniger graduated from New York Chiropractic College and is a postgraduate instructor for University of Western States. He has presented as a posture expert for Northwestern, Logan, NYCC, UBCC, Parker, Dekalb College, Clayton University, and several other higher education, medical, corporate and private organizations. Dr. Weiniger is the lead instructor for the posture specialist certification, CPEP (Certified Posture Exercise Professional) setting the clinical standard for posture improvement protocols with clinicians worldwide.

A resident of Atlanta, Georgia, Dr. Weiniger focuses on posture rehab, biomechanics and the importance of integrating exercise into every lifestyle. In addition to a busy speaking calendar, he’s a prolific writer (Blog) and serves as managing partner of, an online resource offering a referral directory and comprehensive information about posture, exercise, posture therapies, and other wellness life habits.

In his initiative to promote posture awareness and the importance of improving posture, Dr. Steven Weiniger along with his team at created The annual “May is PostureMonth” public health campaign positions DCs to build posture awareness and help everyone actionably improve and functionally strengthen how they stand, sit and move in everything they do.

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